One of the running threads through my NA series is Kwan's addiction to snacks. I can swing describing the American snacks he likes, but I have never tried any Korean snacks (or food, for that matter.) By the time I get to Kwan's novel, which will be the last one of the series, I really need to know at least what some of them taste like. This is for scenes where Annabelle (the American female protagonist) and Kwan initially bond over meals and snacks.
I'm starting to make some of the simpler dishes as far as the food goes, but snacks are tough. The only Korean market in the area is about an hour away in the city. Fortunately you can order just about anything online, so I got some samples of what I think Kwan would like best based on research, trends in South Korean and so forth. Apparently these honey butter potato chips are so popular (and scarce) in South Korea that there's a black market for them.
I keep my sugar intake to under 10g per day for health reasons, so I have to watch it with the sweets, but I have a couple months over which to spread out my sampling. By the time I'm ready to write the book I should have a pretty good handle on how to describe it all.
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