When it comes to romantic stories I've always been a big fan of having opposites attract, probably because that's been my life experience. My guy and I are complete polar opposites in almost everything except upbringing and values. It makes us good problem solvers because we tackle things from different angles -- he's operates on experience and is very methodical and conservative; I'm more intuitive and creative, and I'm willing to take risks.
Every relationship is different, such as the one in NA #2 between the protagonists. I started out with a vague Cinderella-in-toe-shoes idea but then it morphed on me as I put these two characters together on the page to see what happened. Unlike the protags in book one they're two sides of the same personality -- or maybe not. I'm not sure, as it's continuing to change and grow as I write the story. I'm just along for the ride now.
Should be interesting to see what I end up with for the second book. Stay tuned. :)
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