I like the idea of using a visual metaphor rather than some cartoon figures (which seem to be popular in this genre) or a reference to anything in the story. So I came up with this as the first idea. I like these colors, but it also would work in white, gold and rose pink, which would probably have more appeal for the readers.
I also like the idea of using a non-clinch single model cover like this one. Although it's not as abstract, it's still a decent visual metaphor for my female protagonist Victoria. There are three different sleeping scenes in the story, too. Doing the artwork in black and white would also tie in with our hero without going for the obvious more white tiger symbolism.
One more, combining the single model concept with a little black and white thrown in:
Her hair is too long, and I don't care for the colors, but you get the general idea. I want something classy and slightly less genre-centric. I need a look that will easily brand the series, too.
I will not be making my own covers, by the way. As much fun as it is to play on my primitive photoshop program, I'd rather have a pro handle the final art. But these will be helpful in making decisions about color, design and the look I want for the series. Above all, I want simple and attractive.
Snowflake image by Free-Photos from Pixabay
Sleeping girl image by ramicm from Pixabay
Blonde girl image by melancholiaphotography from Pixabay
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